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"• Satellite hopes to map surface for rare helium 3
• Critics say cash is wasted while millions go hungry"
"Last week Britain committed itself to cutting greenhouse gases by 80 per cent. This week Gordon Brown will claim the UK is now a world leader in wind power. An Observer investigation reveals his hopes could be blown wildly off...
"If Britain is to generate a third of its electricity from wind power, many upland areas will be blanketed in wind farms, but people in the lowlands may be shocked to find giant pylons carrying 400,000 volts across favourite...
"Thanks to an extremely rough surface, "black silicon" can absorb more light and can also trap a wider range of frequencies, including infra-red rays, that normally pass straight through standard silicon." This could potentially...
"Green groups are fearful that a summit opening in Brussels will see attempts to dilute the EU's climate and energy package because of the economic crisis."
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